Bodyshop Design Layout

Refinishing Technologies provide if required a complete turnkey package in addition to your spraybooth purchase, comprising of full CAD bodyshop design service for layouts in new and existing bodyshops, as well as necessary liaision with builders and architects.


All spraybooths installed in order to minimise disruption will be project managed to ensure agreed delivery and assembly times are maintained on site and to safeguard that the construction is carried out in a controlled and professional manner.

On completion of the installation the client will be provided with a full commissioning report and a comprehensive maintenance manual to ensure the equipment is maintained at optimum performance.

Installations will comply with all Health & safety requirements as well as EPA legislation in force at the time of delivery.

Service and Maintenance

A nationwide customer service network is provided on call both competitvely priced, with fully trained personnel who specailise in the servicing of Usi Italia spraybooths. Individual customer service contracts are also available on request in addition to a full back up support of spare parts and spraybooth filters.

Smoke Clearance Time

Refinishing Technologies carry out a Smoke Clearance Test on request.

Recent HSE guidelines recommend for Vehicle Bodyshop Owners to have regular smoke clearance time undertaken to control the risks and exposure to harmful substances to their spray painters. (recommended testing during annual service or every 14 months)

The test carried out will determine the amount of time it will take for harmful materials such as isocyanates to be fully evacuated from spraybooth once spray painting has been completed. Even though a painter may have stopped applying product to the vehicle there will still remain quantities of harmful materials in the air until the spraybooth has been fully evacuated.

During this time the protective mask or full face breathable mask should not be removed. As mentioned above, the purpose of this test is to measure the time it takes for isocyanate particles to be cleared from the spraybooth.

To conduct this test the spraybooth engineer fills the spraybooth with professional smoke and accurately measures how long it takes to extract this smoke. (standard and set procedure used for this process)

The recorded time will then be the amount of time that has to elapse to fully clear the spraybooth air before the painter may safely remove his protective mask

A certificate will be provided to the Vehicle Repair Shop for display on the spraybooth once test has been completed.

Oil, Gas and Direct Fired Burner Service

Burner service carried out on all spraybooth brands including monitoring of CO2 / 02 / CO burner flue gases with printed report on completion of service if required.